Resultados da Busca

    4 Resultados
  • Gerton Dekkers - Vice President, Industrial Automation Division - has a Bachelor in Business Administration from Hogeschool Rotterdam and Bachelor in Electrical Engineering from Avans University of Applied Sciences.
    ABB Benelux - Máquinas - Bélgica
  • Marc Boileau - Senior Vice President of Sales and Network Operations - posee un Bachelor in Commercial Economy de Hogeschool Rotterdam.
    FourKites - Software - Estados Unidos
  • Dirk de Groot - Managing Director - posee un Logistics and Transport Management Studies de Hogeschool Rotterdam.
  • Albert Haaring - Head of Market Operations Continuous Trading & System Quality Assurance - posee un Bachelor of Education de Hogeschool Rotterdam.
    Epex Spot - Utilitários - Holanda

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