Resultados da Busca

    7 Resultados
  • Wayne Scrivens - Vice President, Sales Area, Australia & New Zealand - posee un Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering de University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
  • Phil Hodgson - Global Vice President, Apparel and Accessories - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Russian History and Politics de University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
    Jordan Brand - Esporte e Lazer - Estados Unidos
  • Ian Pickles - Vice President of Services - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Economics de University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
  • Paul Cant - Chief Revenue Officer - posee un Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering de University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
    BMC Software - Software - Estados Unidos
  • James King - Chief Revenue Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science in Surveying Science de University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
    Ideagen - Software - Reino Unido
  • John Martin - Chief Product Officer - posee un Bachelor of Engineering in Microelectronics and Software Engineering de University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
  • George Georgiou - Sales Manager - graduou-se pela University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
    Wartsila Cyprus - Engenharia e Design - Chipre

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